A DUI is a very serious offense in the State of Arizona. There are various types of DUI/DWI offenses, one of which is a second offense aggravated DUI/DWI. In the state of Arizona, you may be charged with second time felony aggravated DUI if you have had a previous felony Aggravated DUI offense or any prior felony, even if it has been many years since the incident. There are very serious penalties that come with being convicted of a second offense aggravated DUI.
Among the most serious consequences of second felony aggravated DUI is not being able to qualify for financial aid to attend college in Arizona. You may even not be able to get certain kinds of jobs as a result. In addition, this type of felony DUI charge is similar in gravity to a charge of child molestation.
Watch this short video about the consequences for a 2nd Offense Felony Aggravated DUI/DWI in Arizona:
With this type of felony offense DUI, in Arizona, you can also expect to spend anywhere from two and a half to seven and a half years in prison. The average prison sentence for such an offense tends to be somewhere in the middle at between four to five years. In addition, you can lose your driver’s license for up to three years. After that time, you will be required to have an ignition interlock system on your car for over two years that can cost $2,400. You will have to blow into the ignition interlock device every 15 minutes to ensure that your vehicle is operable. While the device is required to be in place in your car for the duration of two years, you will also have to have it inspected and tested every 90 days.
You can also expect your auto insurance rates to increase following your second offense felony aggravated DUI. You will have to get an SR-22 insurance policy, which costs $500 per year for three years at a total of $1,500. Your insurance rates on your vehicle will also increase to around $3,000 per year for at least three years, amounting to $9,000 in total.
Let’s review the consequences of a conviction for a 2nd Offense Felony Aggravated DUI in Arizona:
- 2.25 to 7.5 years in PRISON, 4.5 years in Prison is the average sentence
- Driver’s License Revocation 3 years
- Interlock Ignition Device: $2,400
- SR-22 Insurance Policy $500 per year for 3 years: $1,500
- Car Insurance Policy increase $3,000 per year for 3 years: $9,000
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Generally speaking, taking into consideration all of the penalties and fees associated with your conviction, court expenses and more, you will be paying more than $13,000 for the next few years following your release from prison. This is quite a hardship financially as you will also have to think about wages you have lost due to imprisonment as you obviously cannot work.
The best thing you can do for yourself or for someone you love, when facing a second offense felony aggravated DUI is to get in touch with an attorney at DM Cantor. We will evaluate your case and then formulate the best possible defense for you. We offer Free DUI Case Consultations in our offices in Phoenix, AZ. Please call us today at (602) 307-0808 to schedule time with an attorney. For 24 hour service, call our office or send us an email by using our confidential email form.