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Precharge Case Investigation Phase

Precharge Case Investigation Phase

Precharge Investigation in Arizona

If you are arrested, questioned and released without a citation, or if the police are attempting to contact you regarding criminal allegations from another person, then you are currently in the “Precharge” or “Investigation Stage” of a criminal case. This is the most important time to hire an experienced Criminal Defense lawyer to avoid being charged with a crime that may affect your permanent record.

The Cantor Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer Team is highly versed in all areas of criminal law. Most of our team consists of former State, County and City prosecutors who know the law. We take pride in knowing more about the law than the police officers and prosecutors. The Cantor Arizona Criminal Defense Team handles trials, appeals, post-conviction relief petitions and forfeitures. We defend clients in all City, Justice, State and Federal courts throughout Arizona.

The Cantor team has extensive knowledge in all areas of forensic sciences and has numerous expert witnesses at their disposal. These legal tools can give you your best chance for a complete acquittal or reduction of the charges.

Regardless of what the allegations may involve, when situations like this arise it is imperative that the issue be addressed promptly. The Pretrial/Investigative Stage of the legal process is the time to hire an aggressive attorney in order to avoid being charged with a crime.

As an AV-rated firm, DM Cantor has resources and knowledge unmatched by any other firm. Our attorneys understand all aspects of the criminal justice system and can help deliver a liveable solution for you. You can contact our firm at any time by calling 602-307-0808 or by filling out a confidential, secure online contact form and we can provide you with a free consultation.

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