If you find yourself in need of representation in order to deal with an Initial Appearance or Arraignment in court, it is absolutely essential that you seek the services of an experienced criminal defense law firm. The defense attorney or attorneys who represent you will ensure that you get an initial court appearance and arraignment in the earliest stages of your case. The judge will inform you of your charges and constitutional rights. In addition, there may be a release hearing that requires you have a lawyer representing you so that you can get the best possible outcome if you are released from custody.
The Cantor Defense Team includes fully qualified attorneys who are skilled in all areas of criminal law. The team handles all sorts of situations, including trials, appeals, relief petitions, forfeitures, post-convictions and more. The lawyers from DM Cantor provide legal counsel throughout the state of Arizona in county, city and state courts. The attorneys take pride in having more knowledge about criminal defense than the prosecutors and police.
In general, extradition cases tend to be complex, which means you will require representation from a qualified legal defense team so that you can get the best possible outcome in your favor. The Cantor Defense Team will strive to ensure that your rights are protected during the case.
For the best possible outcome in your legal case, it is important to have an AV® rated law firm with the highest possible rating from Martindale-Hubbell® working for you. In addition, David Michael Cantor is a skilled Certified Criminal Law Specialist per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. His firm and all of the lawyers employed therein are listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers®. The attorneys are Cantor’s firm are former prosecutors who know exactly how the system works. Call us at 602-307-0808, 24 hours a day to schedule a free initial consultation. If you would like, you can use our confidential web form too.