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Robbery / Aggravated Robbery / Armed Robbery

Robbery / Aggravated Robbery / Armed Robbery

If you are facing Robbery charges in Arizona, you will go to jail without an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting for you.

David M. Cantor is a certified criminal specialist with the experience you require to keep your freedom. The Law Offices of David M. Cantor’s “Beyond Aggressive” defense of your case is your only hope of avoiding incarceration.

If convicted of robbery, you face sentences that range up to 35 years in prison. To view possible Robbery related sentences please click here.

Robbery A.R.S. §13-1902

Robbery is a class four felony that occurs when a person takes the property of another against that person’s will, and the Defendant threatens or uses force against the alleged victim with the intent to either coerce the surrender of the property or to prevent resistance of the alleged victim while taking or retaining the property.

Aggravated Robbery A.R.S. §13-1903

Aggravated Robbery occurs when the defendant has an accomplice during the robbery. This charge is a class three felony and a more serious charge than standard robbery.

Armed Robbery ARS §13-1904

In addition to Standard Robbery and Aggravated Robbery, Arizona has a third robbery charge Armed Robbery. Armed Robbery occurs when the Defendant is either armed with a deadly weapon, or a simulated deadly weapon, or if the Defendant actually uses or threaten to use a deadly weapon, dangerous instrument or simulated deadly weapon.

Armed Robbery is the most serious of all the Robbery charges and it is elevated to a class two felony designation and an “Allegation of Dangerousness” will be filed.

The Law Offices of David Cantor is a AV® rated law firm (the highest possible rating by Martindale Hubbell®) The Associates at The Law Offices of David M. Cantor has the necessary experience to mount a successful defense against Robbery charges in Arizona.

Some possible criminal defenses are:

  • Miranda Rights Violation
  • Denial of Right to Counsel
  • Exposing Sloppy or Misleading Police Reports

If you face any of these robbery charges with inadequate criminal defense representation you will be incarcerated. The Associates at The Law Offices of David M. Cantor take pride in knowing more about the defense of Robbery, Aggravated Robbery & Armed Robbery than the prosecution and the police officers.

What Is Your Freedom Worth To You?
Call The Law Offices of David M. Cantor at 602-307-0808 or Contact Us For a Free Case Consultation.

For more information about charges of Robbery, Aggravated Robbery or Armed Robbery, please refer to our parent site for The Law Offices of David M. Cantor.

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